
Online Supervision – bei extrem vermeidenden (Cluster C) Patienten

Datum und Uhrzeit:

25/09/2024 09:30 - 13:00



This online training helps therapists to apply schema therapy to clients with a dependent, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, also known as Cluster C personality disorders.

Schema therapy is a very effective treatment method for Cluster C disorders. However, most literature and training in the field of schema therapy focuses on the treatment of borderline personality disorder or other forms of externalising forms of psychopathology. This training shows how schema therapy can be effectively applied to internalising personality issues.

In this training, Cluster C disorders will be explained in terms of core emotional needs, schemas and modes. Additionally, it will be discussed how limited reparenting takes on a different form during treatment to the one it takes on for more externalising personality disorders. Finally, it describes specific bottlenecks, variants and the applications of methods and techniques that cannot be found to date in other schema therapy literature.

The training starts with a description of the history and research of schema therapy, among other things. It goes on to discuss case conceptualisation and the step from conceptualisation to treatment. It then addresses the three Cluster C personality disorders, always describing how methods and techniques are applied differently in the different treatment phases. Finally, it discusses the healthy adult mode and schema therapy for persistent anxiety and depressive disorders.

Remco van der Wijngaart spricht in der freien Rede englisch. Allerdings versteht und spricht er auch deutsch, so dass die Teilnehmer*innen auch deutsch sprechen können, wenn das angenehmer ist. Zudem wird auch Hannah Hoppe beim Workshop anwesend sein, so dass auch sie hilft ggfs. sprachlichen Hürden zu überwinden.

Die Veranstaltung wird für den Erhalt von Fortbildungspunkten bei der PTK NRW akkreditiert.

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